Download Dedrm Applescript For Mac

Download Dedrm Applescript For Mac Rating: 6,1/10 6018 reviews

This repository is a copy of the tools downloaded from Apprentice Alf's Blog. I am not the author of these tools. I just wanted to keep them in a safe place. More info is at Apprentice Alf's blog post 'DRM Removal Tools for eBooks'.

  • I've changed the ReadMe_First.txt to
  • Updated the with change notes and also citing the original author of the tools

Changes in 6.0.8:

  • Fixes invalid topaz files

Changes in 6.0.7:

  • Fixes wine key creation folder issue.
  • Fixes DeDRM of PDFs with broken metadata.

Changes in 6.0.6:

  • Fixed up an incorrect function call. (Only relevant for Linux users using Wine)

Changes in 6.0.5:

  • Fixed a problem that resulted in key issues (thanks, Paul)

Changes in 6.0.4:

  • Fixed a problem in the plugin converting earlier preferences (thanks, enno)
  • Fixed a problem in the plugin with importing pdb files (thanks, Tina Bird)
  • Fixed a problem with unicode characters in path names for the Mac application (thanks, K)

Changes in 6.0.3:

Mac OS X 10.4 only: Install Python 2.7.3. Install the DeDRM application. This AppleScript will remove the DRM from the Topaz files, but to.

  • Fixed a problem with non-ascii characters in Windows user name
  • Fixed a problem early versions of Kindle for Mac
  • Fix for location of DeDRMed PDF files with Macintosh DeDRM Application
  • Fix in Windows DeDRM application for paths with spaces
  • Restored ability for calibre plugin to call wine for Kindle for PC decryption key
  • Added ability for calibre plugin to call wine for Adobe Digital Edition key
  • Hopefully removed any dependency on tinter (although still used if available).
  • Updated the readmes

This is meant to give users a quick overview of what is available and how to get started. This document is part of the Tools v6.0.5 archive from Apprentice Alf's Blog:

The is archive includes tools to remove DRM from:

  • Kindle ebooks (Mobi, Topaz, Print Replica and KF8).
  • Barnes and Noble ePubs
  • Adobe Digital Editions ePubs (including Sony and Kobo ePubs downloaded to ADE)
  • Adobe Digital Editions PDFs
  • Mobipocket ebooks
  • eReader PDB books
  • Scuolabooks (Windows only solution by Hex)

These tools do NOT work with Apple's iBooks FairPlay DRM (see end of this file.)

About the tools

These tools have been updated and maintained by Apprentice Alf, DiapDealer and some_updates. You can find the latest updates and get support at Apprentice Alf's blog: you re-post these tools, a link to the blog would be appreciated.

The original inept and ignoble scripts were by i♥cabbagesThe original mobidedrm and erdr2pml scripts were by The Dark ReverserThe original topaz DRM removal script was by CMBDTCThe original topaz format conversion scripts were by some_updates, clarknova and Bart SimpsonThe Scuolabooks tool is by HexThe calibre plugin conversions were originally by DiapDealer

The DeDRM plugin is by Apprentice Alf based on plugins by DiapDealerThe DeDRM AppleScript application is by Apprentice AlfThe DeDRM python GUI is by some_updates and Apprentice Alf

Many fixes, updates and enhancements to the scripts and applicatons have been by Apprentice Alf, some_updates and DiapDealer and others.

DeDRM plugin for calibre (Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux)

If you already use calibre, the quickest and easiest way, especially on Windows, to remove DRM from your ebooks is to install the DeDRM plugin from the DeDRM_calibre_plugin folder, following the instructions and configuration directions provided in the ReadMe and the help links.

Once installed and configured, you can simply add a DRM book to calibre and the DeDRMed version will be imported into the calibre database. Note that DRM removal ONLY occurs on import. If you have already imported DRM books you'll need to remove them from calibre and re-import them.

These plugins work for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. For ebooks from Kindle 4 PC and Adobe Digital Editions, Linux users should read the section at the end the DeDRM_plugin_ReadMe.txt file.

DeDRM application for Mac OS X users: (Mac OS X 10.4 and above)

This application is a stand-alone application for Mac OS X users.

Drag the '' application from the DeDRM_Macintosh_Application folder to your Desktop (or your Applications Folder, or anywhere else you find convenient). Double-click on the application to run it and you will be able to enter any configuration data needed to remove DRM from your type of DRMed ebooks.

To use the DeDRM application simply drag ebooks and/or folders containing ebooks onto the DeDRM application and it will remove the DRM and save DRM-free versions of the books wherever you selected in the Output Folder configuration dialog.

For more detailed instructions, see the 'DeDRM ReadMe.rtf' file in the DeDRM_Application_Macintosh folder, including details of the extra step that Mac OS X 10.4 users need to take to use the application.

DeDRM application for Windows users: (Windows XP through Windows 8)

This program requires that Python and PyCrypto be properly installed.See below for details on recommended versions and how to install them.

This application is a stand-alone application for Windows users.

Drag the DeDRM_App folder that's in the DeDRM_Windows_Application folder, to your 'My Documents' folder (or anywhere else you find convenient). Make a short-cut on your Desktop of the DeDRM_Drop_Target.bat file that's in the DeDRM_App folder. Double-click on the shortcut and the DeDRM application will run and you will be able to enter any configuration data needed to remove DRM from your type of DRMed ebooks.

To use the DeDRM application simply drag ebooks or folders containing ebooks onto the DeDRM_Drop_Target.bat shortcut and it will remove the DRM and save DRM-free versions of the books wherever you selected in the Output Folder configuration dialog.

For more detailed instructions, see the DeDRM_App_ReadMe.txt file in the DeDRM_Windows_Applications folder.


This folder includes other tools that may be useful for DRMed ebooks from certain sources or for Linux users. Most users won't need any of these tools.

This folder contains python scripts that creates a keyfiles for Barnes and Noble ePubs, Adobe Digital Editions ePubs and Kindle for Mac/PC ebooks.

Definitely only for the adventurous, this folder contains information on how to modify the Kindel for Android app to b able to get a PID for use with the other Kindle tools (DeDRM apps and calibre plugin).

A Javascript to enable a download button at the B&N website for ebooks that normally won't download to your PC. Another one only for the adventurous.

A windows-only application (including source code) for removing DRM from ScuolaBooks PDFs, created by 'Hex' and included with permission.

Information about the now-obsolete Rocket ebook format and DRM, along with source for a tool to remove the DRM.

Windows and Python

We strongly recommend ActiveState's Active Python 2.7 Community Edition for Windows (x86) 32 bits. This can be downloaded for free from:

We do NOT recommend the version of Python from

The version from is not as complete as most normal Python installations on Linux and even Mac OS X. It is missing various Windows specific libraries, does not install the default Tk Widget kit (for graphical user interfaces) unless you select it as an option in the installer, and does not properly update the system PATH environment variable. Therefore using the default build on Windows is simply an exercise in frustration for most Windows users.

In addition, Windows Users need one of PyCrypto OR OpenSSL. Because of potential conflicts with other software, we recommend using PyCrypto.

For PyCrypto:

There are many places to get PyCrypto installers for Windows. One such place is:
Please get the latest PyCrypto meant for Windows 32 bit that matches the version of Python you installed (2.7)

For OpenSSL:

Win32 OpenSSL v0.9.8o (8Mb)
(if you get an error message about missing Visual C++ redistributables.. cancel the install and install the below support program from Microsoft, THEN install OpenSSL)

Visual C++ 2008 Redistributables (1.7Mb)

Once Windows users have installed Python 2.X for 32 bits, and the matching OpenSSL OR PyCrypto pieces, they too are ready to run a DeDRM application.

Apple's iBooks FairPlay DRM

The only tool that removes Apple's iBooks Fairplay DRM is Requiem by Brahms version 3.3.6 and works with iTunes 10.5. Requiem 4.0 and later do not remove DRM from ebooks.

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Requiem has a Tor website: http://tag3ulp55xczs3pn.onion. To reach the site using Tor, you will need to install Tor ( If you're willing to sacrifice your anonymity, you can use the regular web with tor2web. Just go to

Alternatively, you can download it from these download links:

Requiem 3.3.6 for Windows:
MD5: 10ab191f2d86c692d57f6a07b4622cf8

Requiem 3.3.6 for Mac OS X:
MD5: 6d4167d47e6982ddbb8528212198b520

Requiem 3.3.6 source code:
MD5: 1636862796d573c693d56bcc526b60bd

If you have any problems with Requiem, I suggest you contact Brahms directly through their Tor website.

No support for requiem is provided at Apprentice Alf's blog.

E-books that you buy are usually encrypted with 'Digital Rights Management,' or DRM. DRM is copy protection; it's intended to keep you from making a copy of your book and letting someone else have it.
But DRM can interfere with uses of the book that are legal. Some of the books I have bought in the Adobe EPUB format, for instance, can't be moved to my iPhone for reading — unless, that is, I strip off the DRM encryption first.
I showed how to do that in an earlier post, iPhone: Reading Adobe/EPUB eBooks. It's a complicated set of steps. Now there's a way that is less complicated.
Unfortunately, the new way is available only to users of Mac OS X 10.5 ('Leopard') and 10.6 ('Snow Leopard') but not to users of any Windows system. That's because DeDRM, as its author Apprentice Alf named it, is in the AppleScript scripting language.
Apprentice Alf, who wrote DeDRM, has gone into retirement, and his original blog post about it has been modified and no longer links to the DeDRM 2.6 download per se. You can instead download tools v3.8 ZIP file from here. It contains DeDRM 2.6. The link I just gave will take you to RapidShare, where you need to click on the Download button under Save File To .. your computer. A popup window will require you to wait a couple of minutes and then click on a second Download button. Then the actual download will begin. It will normally (depending on how you have your browser set up) put the tools file on your Desktop. Double clicking that file will expand the ZIP file into a tools v3.8 folder. Open the folder. A DeDRM 2.6 AppleScript 'droplet' should be the top item. Option-drag it to the Desktop to make a copy of it there. You can then (after possibly doing the setup I describe below) drag the icons of e-book files that you want decrypted and drop the icons on the DeDRM 2.0 droplet to have the e-books decrypted.
After you put the DeDRM 2.6 droplet on your desktop, you will see something like:

I took that screenshot when using an older version of DeDRM; the current version is DeDRM 2.6. What I describe below pertains to version 1.1, but it remains about the same in later versions.
I'll assume you'll leave/put the DeDRM 2.6 icon on the desktop, but you can optionally move it to any folder you like.
To use DeDRM, you'll simply drag an e-book file's icon over to the DeDRM icon, and drop the e-book's icon there. You can also drag the icon of a folder that contains more than one e-book, and DeDRM will decrypt them all. The decrypted e-book(s) will show up in the same folder as the original e-book(s) are in.
Before you start dragging and dropping e-books, though, some setup may be required. (If you want to bypass it and just try your luck now, skip down to Using DeDRM.)
Optional Setup
Double-click on the DeDRM icon to see:
When you click Continue, you'll see:

You can click None for this dialog .. unless you have Kindle e-books in the Mobipocket format from In that case, you can enter the necessary PIDs (Personal IDs) for your Kindle device(s) here, clicking Add after each one. (How to learn what those PIDs are is a topic beyond the scope of this post.)
If you, like me, want to bypass Mobipocket PID specifications for now, just click None. You can always re-launch DeDRM as a standalone application, using the double-click method, and enter Mobipocket PIDs later.
You'll now see something like:

You can enter, one at a time, any Name:Credit_Card_Number 'key pairs' you use to buy e-books at Barnes & Noble or, and click Add. Once you have entered them all, you will click on the No More button which has replaced the None button.
Each key pair represents:
  1. the name on your account at Barnes & Noble online or on
  2. the number on the credit card registered for that account.

These two items must be entered with a colon (':') — but with no spaces or other characters — between them. If the card number is for an eReader account, you can opt to enter just the last eight digits of the card number. If it is for a B&N account, you will need to enter the whole 16-digit card number.
If you don't want to enter any Barnes & Noble or key pairs, just click None in the dialog box above.
Next you'll see:
The intention here is for you to specify any adeptkey.der key files that you may have generated previously. These are key files that, again, you may have generated using a Python script,, as shown in Step 4 of iPhone: Reading Adobe/EPUB eBooks. If you do happen to have any previously generated adeptkey.der key files, you can use the Add.. button at this point to tell DeDRM about them, one by one.
But you don't really need to specify any previously existing adeptkey.der key files! DeDRM can generate the 'local' ADEPT key file you need on the fly for you.
ADEPT stands for Adobe Digital Editions Protection Technology, by the way.
The only time you'll need to specify your own existing adeptkey.der key files is in a situation where you in fact have some older Adobe EPUB e-book files lying around, ones that were downloaded when you were using a different Adobe ID/Password combination than you currently use.
For purposes of this post, I'll assume all your Adobe EPUBs were downloaded (possibly using Sony's Reader Library application) with an Adobe ID/Password combination that is still current. So all you have to do in the dialog box above is click on No More. At that point, the DeDRM script merely quits.
Using DeDRM
Now you're ready to use the DeDRM script for real. I suggest you consider moving or copying the DeDRM 'droplet' icon to a folder you've created, named something like DeDRM Folder. Alternatively, you can leave the DeDRM 'droplet' icon right on your desktop.
The next step is to locate in your Mac's folder hierarchy any Adobe EPUB e-book file that you want to strip DRM from:
  • If you got the file via the Sony Reader Library application, it's in ~/Documents/My Books/Reader Library/{book title}.epub. (The '~' node stands for the Home folder of the user account you are using on the Mac.)
  • If you obtained the Adobe EPUB online in any other manner and then imported it into the Adobe Digital Reader application, you can expect to find it in ~/Documents/Digital Editions/{book title}.epub.
  • If your Adobe EPUB e-book can be found in neither of those two locations, you can probably locate it by doing a Finder filename search on the book's title.

You might want to make a copy of the Adobe EPUB in your DeDRM Folder folder (or, alternatively, on the desktop, if that's where your DeDRM 'droplet' icon is) by dragging its icon to that location while holding down the option key.
Using a copy of the adobe EPUB is not, strictly speaking, necessary. However, DeDRM will produce its decrypted output copy in the same folder location (possibly the desktop) as the location of the input original Adobe EPUB that you drop onto the DeDRM icon. So if you want the decrypted version to be created in a more convenient folder location than ~/Documents/My Books/Reader Library/ or ~/Documents/Digital Editions/, it's best to work with a copy that you have previously established in the desired output location.
Now drag the copied Adobe EPUB e-book's icon onto the DeDRM icon and drop it there. DeDRM will open. After a brief delay, you should see something like:

Click Thanks. DeDRM goes away. It's that easy!
If the input file was called The Snake, the Crocodile, and the Dog.epub, as above, an output file called The Snake, the Crocodile, and the Dog_dedrmed.epub will appear in the same folder (possibly, the desktop). The filename will be that of the original file with _dedrmed added. The filename extension will continue to be .epub.
The output file is just like the input file — except that it's no longer copy-protected. It can be read in any application or on any device that can read 'open' (i.e., non-DRMed) EPUB e-books:
  • Stanza for the Mac or Windows
  • Reader Library for the Mac or Windows
  • Adobe Digital Editions for the Mac or Windows
  • Any iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch app that reads EPUBs, including Stanza, Kobo, and Borders
  • etc.
You can also read it in the iBooks app on an iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch. To do that:
  • Import the open EPUB file into iTunes by dragging it into the Library portion of the main iTunes window
  • With the open EPUB now visible in the Books section of the iTunes library, sync your iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch
The open EPUB will now appear in the Library of the iBooks app on the iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch!
You can use a similar procedure to use DeDRM to remove DRM encryption from:
  • PDB files that you obtain from Barnes & Noble or online
  • Mobipocket e-books, such as those from
  • Amazon Kindle e-books — provided they're not in the dreaded Topaz format! (You can open your Kindle e-book in TextEdit and look for the characters TPZ0 near the top. If they're there, the book is Topaz and you'll need more powerful mojo to decrypt it.)
Wonderful, no?